Monday, January 31, 2011

Day -5 to -2 Lots of Meds, and Finally Some Golf


Thank you all for the well wishes, prayers, posts, emails and thoughts of strength and hope over the past few days!

Getting ready to inhale
Friday, Day -5 was a busy one.  I graduated from my radiation treatment with the two final treatments done by 1pm.  At 3pm I had to do a lung treatment that coated my lungs with an inhaled med that will protect me from pneumonia over the next few weeks.  All in all I have tolerated all the treatments well with minor discomfort (nausea, sore throat, and hiccups) and I am feeling strong. 

On Saturday, Day -4, I received my high dose of chemotherapy (VP16 or etoposide) over a 5 hour period.  Spent most of the time in bed asleep since I also get some benadryl and demerol to prevent reactions. 

With the radiation and VP16 treatments completed, my old immune system and bone marrow is on it's way out, literally obliterated.  As of today, my white counts are all but non-existent and I will be getting red cell and platelet transfusions regularly, until my new marrow kicks in after transplant.

After the VP16 completed, I began receiving Rabbit Anti-thymocyte Globulin (RATG) which is a strong immunosuppressive med that prevents my T-Cells from attacking the new donor cells when I get them.  I just get one dose of the chemo, and I will get 4 doses of the RATG over 4 days.  On day -1 I will also receive another immunosuppresive med called Tacrolimus which I will be a more long term med I will be on to keep my T-Cells in check in addition to keeping my new immune system in check from attacking my own body as a foreign invader.

I will know tomorrow whether I get my stem cell transplant on Wednesday or Thursday, but I will keep everyone posted.

Really, a good view of the 15th fairway and 16th tee
 Friday, I did get to see Tiger Wood's group hitting from the 15th fairway and teeing it up at the 16th tee box from a nice vantage point on the 4th floor of the hospital.  Thank you Tod and Tiffany for letting me borrow your binoculars!!!Saturday I mostly watched on TV since I was in and out all day.  Theresa stayed with me Saturday night which was nice, but the poor thing did not get much rest with all the nurses coming in and out all night.  We had a nice breakfast together before she went home to the girls.  Thank you my Princess!  I love you with all my heart!

My brother Mike and nephew Max came by just before Theresa left and we watched the golf tournament and played some cards.  Yes, I have a card table and cards in my room!  Thank you Max and Bro for your visit, I had fun.

View from my room (Farmer's blimp in sky)

I am getting walks in at least twice a day to stay strong for the next few weeks.

Lunch and dinner didn't work out with all the nausea I was having, but I did power down a few bananas and some apple sauce.  Got more RATG and then my daily dose of AmphoB with demerol which pretty much takes me out for the night.  Still getting AmphoB daily until my new immune system kicks in after transplant to keep Valley Fever at bay.

Thank you all for continuing to check in and send prayers my way!



  1. Hi Johnny,
    I went to go see Dr. Pham this morning to get a new mouth guard,and he said another patient had your braclet on. He was very shocked to see it on his patient and asked her where did she get it? The lady said it was for her best friend's grandson. I told Dr Pham that is John's grandma Joyce. What a small world! Just wanted you to know how many people love,support,and think of you. Hang tough! Love you, Laura

  2. Dear John,
    We were thinking about you, and just discovered this new blog. Julia and I wanted to let you know how much we care, and that you and your family are in our thoughts and prayers! Stay strong, my friend...
    Larry, Julia, and Danny

  3. Hi John,
    With each passing day you continue to get closer and closer to the top of the mountain; your strength is amazing and it will get you to the top in no time [that and the fact that your Steelers have a big game this weekend:-)]
    Our thoughts and prayers are always with you!
    Love you, cindy

  4. Hello John,

    It is wonderful reading your blog. Your positive spirit and strength are amazing. You are almost there. Everyone in the office is asking about you. You are always in our thoughts John.


  5. Hola, may friend. It is great to hear that you are doing so well. I will be rooting for the Steelers on Sunday in your honor. See you soon,
    Love you man,
