Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Day -8 Busy Day

Hello and thank you for all your posts for Day -9!

The posts were a nice boost to my day today.  Day -8 started out with an amazing view from my room of the of the sunrise lighting up the sky.  I was blessed to get a double bed room (without a roommate) with a nice view of the ocean and Torrey Pines South where the Farmers Open is being played this week. 

Around 7:30am I was taken down to radiation oncology for my first radiation treatment.  In order to knock out my old bone marrow.  Since bone marrow is in every bone in the body, my entire body is being irradiated for 10-15 minutes, three times a day for 3 days, then 2 times on Friday.  The radonc staff makes sure my lungs and other vital organs are protected as much as is possible. 

After my first TBI treatment I was sent to the operating room to get a Groshong catheter in my chest that will be used for my stem cell transplant next week.  It was a short procedure and I was able get back to my room for a snack before I went back down to radonc for my second TBI treatment for the day.  The third treatment was in the afternoon.

I received a blood transfusion today and yesterday and I have started receiving daily AmphoB infusions to prevent any flare ups of Valley Fever.

Theresa, my Mom and the girls came by for dinner, homework, and we watched a bit of the State of the Union Address too.  Theresa brought me a table to put in my room so we can sit together, it is great! 

Love you all, and thank you again for all the wonderful day -9 posts!



  1. Hi John,
    Sounds like they are keeping you pretty busy there. So glad to hear that you are able to hang out with all your girls right now; I know that means so much to all four of y'all.
    Have a very blessed day, love you -cindy

  2. John,
    Quite the eventful day, I'll say!!! At least it helps pass the time quickly until you get to Transplant Day!!!
    You, Theresa, and the girls have been constantly in my thoughts and prayers. Keep up the positive attitude...because it does make a difference!
    When times get tough.....just remember...."This too shall pass".
    Sami is ready to send you the Beauty & the Beast DVD. Maybe we'll get it over to Theresa & you can watch it on your computer.
    When you are having your treatments just visualize those cancer cells being annihilated!!!!! BYE BYE CANCER!!!
    We can't wait to celebrate with you when you beat this.....and you will!!!
    All of your prayer warriors are out here praying for your complete & total recovery. We love you!!!

  3. John,
    You are truly amazing! Joe and I are praying everyday for you, Theresa and the girls. Keep fighting and know that we are all here with you and love you!! Sharon and Joe
