Thursday, January 27, 2011

Day -7 and - 6 Busy...where's Tiger?


Thank you for all the kind posts on Day -8!!!  Day -7 and -6 (Weds/Thurs) were busy ones!

The pace of the day is pretty quick with 3 TBI treatments per day.  The noon treatment included an extra treatment of my ribs since during most of the treatments they are blocked by the led castings protecting my lungs. 
Linear Accelerator

Me by the "board"

I have had many questions about how much radiation I am getting and what it feels like.  First, here are a couple of pics (thank you honey!) of the machine that delivers the radiation (linear accelerator) and me standing by the board I stand up on during treatment.

A standard X-Ray usually delivers about 1.4 milliGrays (or .0014 Grays) of radiation which is harmless.  5.0 Grays delivered at once can cause destruction of vital organs and death.  Each treatment I get (3 per day or fractionated) deliver 1.2 Grays per treatment, with 4 hours in between each treatment.  I am getting a total of 11 treatments for a total of 13.2 Grays over a 4 day period of fractionated treatments that keeps me safe but destroys the Leukemia and bone marrow.

The treatments usually last about 10-15 minutes, but I made a music CD to play in the treatment room to pass the time.  I don't feel anything, but get a little tired standing in one position for a long time.  Wiggling my fingers and toes helps.

I just started feeling some nausea today and some fatigue due to the radiation.  It looks like I have a mild sunburn/suntan, but I have been kept well hydrated with IV fluids and lots of water.

Theresa came by today and brought the BMT staff lunch.  My sister-in-law Laura and my mother-in-law Loretta came by for a quick visit as well.  My Grandma Joyce and Aunt Debbie came by to say hi after an appointment, so it was nice to see some visitors. 

Theresa, me and it seems the whole hospital staff were looking for Tiger today, but since he played the North Course he was no where to be seen from the hospital.  I have a beautiful view of the ocean and South Course with a small window through trees of the 9th fairway, 15th green and 16th tee box.

I may get a chance to check out the tournament from an empty room in one of the higher floors tomorrow.

My transplant day is scheduled for February 2nd, however, it may be on February 3rd if the harvesting center has to collect from the donor over two days.  I will know for sure on February 1st what the plan is.

I am almost 1/3rd of the way up the summit and I am climbing strong!

God bless you all and thank you for all the support and prayers!



  1. Hi John,

    As always it is great to read your post, it makes the miles between CA and TX seem not so vast.
    Hopefully you'll get to see some great golf this weekend and before you know it your transplant day will be here. May your strength stay fast and your sense of humor not falter.
    Hugs and Kisses to you, Theresa and the girls!
    Love you, cindy

  2. Keep at it, John.

    Wishing you the best,

