Monday, January 24, 2011

Day -9 Pre Stem Cell Transplant

Welcome back everyone!  Thank you for joining me again on this part of my journey.  My previous blog chronicled the days through my fight to get my Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) into remission.  Last you heard from me I had gotten in to remission, however, it was brief and my leukemia was stubborn and decided to stick around in 20-30% of my marrow.  Between December and now, I have been able to enjoy family, friends and getting back to work.

Today is Day -9 to stem cell transplant.  When I get the stem cells it will be Day 0, and then we will get into positive territory!  Starting tomorrow I will be getting Total Body Irradiation (TBI) three times a day for 3 days, then twice on Friday.  On Saturday I get my chemotherapy drug called Etopiside (or VP16).  This one-two punch will obliterate my diseased marrow, including the leukemia and MDS.  I will then get anti-rejection drugs to get me ready for getting my new cells on Wednesday February 2nd.

Thank you all again for your love and support!


  1. We are all right there with you and the girls on this next step to being cured. The strength, love, faith and positive attitude you and your family have will carry you through to beat this dang thing!



  2. Hi John, Let us know about visiting rules. We will all want to see you. Know we are there with you. You are awesome, love ya!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. John, all of us with Hope, Steps & A Cure Los Angeles 2011 hold you and your family in our thoughts and prayers!!!

  5. Hi John,
    Wishing you lots of love, prayers and support!!

  6. Hi John, lots of love to you and your family! We are here for ya!

  7. John, you have a way of making this whole process sound like a walk in the park. Your keep-on-keeping-on attitude is so inspirational and admirable. Your incredible strength makes it easy for those around you to stay strong, too. I look forward to reading about your recovery in T-10.

  8. We have been thinking of you and hoping to hear the best. While the best is yet to come, we trust that it is in the works and soon will be with you, your family, and all of us. I still wear my "Helping John" wrist band faithfully, in all senses. We so much appreciate hearing from you.

  9. Hi John,
    Love the background picture, if you look closely you can see the side of it lined with all of your family and friends guiding you to the top. While this journey might take longer than you want, you will never be alone, you are loved by so many.
    And, on those harder days, larry and I can always come up with one or two videos that are good for a few laughs:)

    Love you, cindy

  10. You go John, we are pulling for you for a quick recovery

    Love and strength to you and the girls,


  11. Hi John! I just can't wait until all of this is over and you can come and party at our house. Your dad and I are praying for you, lighting candles, giving the church money - whatever it takes!I would trade places with you if I could - I really would. We are planning to see you in SD - I can't wait.

  12. Hi Jaunito! It was great seeing you the other day. You have such a great attitude going into this fight. Just know that we are here to give you love and strengh. We love you so much and we are always here for you, my sister,and Livy and Rae. Love, Laura

  13. Both Patricia and I are praying for you. Keep your strength and your positive attitude! Thats 90% of the fight.

    Love Chito

  14. Hey Johnny, I heard you are chasing Theresa around the BMT ward now. Looking good Waye!

    Love you

    Nina and Dad
