Friday, April 1, 2011

Day +57 Transplant results in 100% remission on Day +30

Hello everyone!

Thank so much for all the inquiries and well wishes that have continued to be sent my way via a post or emails!

I was discharged from my stem cell transplant stay on March 4th.  Just to get home and be with the family was the highlight.  On March 9th my physicians declared me in remission and that my new marrow had taken over all my old (bad) marrow 100%!!!  This was  awesome news, what everyone had prayed for.  I will get  a bone marrow biopsy at day +100 just to make sure nothing has changed.  The 5 year check is when I get to use the "cured" word.  So between now and 5 years from now, I will need to stay healthy and well nourished. 

The week I was discharged I noticed swelling and pain in my right ankle.  Turns out my heal bone was infected and had a nodule growing into my heal bone.  I was scheduled for surgery a couple weeks after my discharge.  I am still awaiting the results of all the biopsies.  The physicians suspect it may be cocci (valley fever) like I had during my induction therapy.

I continue to have side effects from all the meds I am taking (very tired, tremors) but I am well taken care of at Scripps Green Hospital, where I go every Mon/Thurs for follow up and labs.

Take care and love you all!



  1. John, this is fantastic news, and is so great! I am very Happy for you, St. T and the girls - what a great day. God Bless you all!.

  2. Hi Johnny,
    Glad that you can share the Good News with your friends and family! Congratualtions, keep up the strong faith and will. Enjoy the family full-time again!

    We all believe the collective power of prayer and we continue to place you at the front of our well wishes and prayers!

    Love you,

