Saturday, February 26, 2011

Day +24 - Out of a thick fog

Hello Everyone!

A big, big, thank you to family, friends, and colleagues that continue to send prayers, strength, and support my way!

In the last few days I have gone from 6 infusions to 1!!!  I am now able to take oral pills so much of the pain and issues with fluid retention have made a huge difference in how I feel. 

The good thing is I don't remember all that has gone on in the last 3+ weeks.

Just wanted to let you all know I am doing well, out of the fog of the summit and headed down that trail that will get me to base camp soon!

Special thank you (with no end) to my beautiful wife and Angel Theresa, the extrodanary patience of my litte girls, the help/care of my Mama, my mother in-law Loretta, grandma Joyce, my bro Mike and his wife Mia, and my sister in-law Laura and her husband Joey!  Even though I do not remember all the time you stayed by my side during these past weeks, your love and care is very much appreciated (with no ends).

God bless you all!



  1. Hello John,

    We are so glad to hear from you again. I can't even imagine how tough these past three weeks were on you and Theresa. However, I had no doubt that you will overcome. You have the strength and love of life and support of loving family and friends to prevail. The finish line is near. We are waiting for you there to celebrate this victory with you.

    Best wishes,


  2. Hey John,

    I am so relieved and happy to hear you are doing better now. I knew your strength would persevere! You are an inspiration to all. Just keep trekking along my friend....Looking forward to more sunset visits soon.

    Love ya!

  3. John, you are an inspiration to us!
    You showed us we can conquer our difficulties in our lives.
    You say "we helped you" but it was the power of YOU.
    You never gave up, it was your inner strength
    together with the love of your family, friends
    and prayers bringing you to where you are now.
    We pray for your continued recovery.
    We love you,
    Loretta and Pedro

  4. Hi John!
    Buenos Dias! We are so happy to hear that you are doing well and on the quick road to recovery! Looking forward to seeing you soon!

    Hugs and Kisses,
    Sandy, Dave and Sarah

  5. Hi John,


    How wonderful it is to hear from you! I know you don't remember much of these past few weeks but know that the prayers, thoughts and love for you were/are never ending. May your strength continue to increase with each passing day and your neutrophils multiply at warp speed so that you can return home to your girls as soon as possible.

    Love You!

  6. John, We're glad to hear your winning this battle and full recovery is on the horizon! Our prayers and thoughts are with you and your family.

    To your health,

    da Silva family

  7. Hi John
    Hope you are feeling better these beutiful Spring days. Please give your friends anf family a post on your current condition and path to a full recovery. I am sure everyone is anxious to hear from you and the girls.

    Love you,

