Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Day +104 The AML and MDS are back

Hello dear friends and family,
Some of you have been asking for updates on John's progress.  I am going to try and keep information flowing through John's blog.  Unfortunately, John is too shaky to keep up with the typing.  As many of you already know the leukemia relapsed quite quickly after John's transplant.  Relapsing so quickly is not a "good thing".  After alot of searching for clinical trials around the country we have decided to start treatment at Scripps Green Hospital. John will be inpatient for a minimum of 5 days. The leukemia did not give us much time for further searching. The positive aspect about being at Scripps Green is we feel very comfortable with the Scripps Green staff and being close to our girls has always been a huge priority for us. 
We know that their is no cure for John's leukemia, which has become aggressive.  We still want to fight it with all we've got.  John has been through alot of physical pain as well as deep sorrow.  He also has realized what a wonderful and purposeful life he has created for himself and his family. John is so grateful for all who have supported us in this journey.
Once again, John's mom, Rena, has made the huge sacrifice of temporarily leaving her husband and business to help care for our daughters while John still fights.  We will always be grateful to Rena for her immense sacrifice and wonderful care of our family.
Please keep John in your prayers.  Also, please pray for our girls to have strength and joy in their hearts no matter what the outcome.
I am so amazed by the love and support that our family, friends, and John's colleagues have shown us through these past few months.  I'm so proud to know such amazing people!!! It also tells me what a wonderful guy John is to surround himself with incredible human beings. 
We will keep in touch!
With much love,
Theresa (John's wife) 


  1. Dear John, Theresa, Olivia, Rachel & Rena,
    Such a warm and caring family you are and it is so unfair you are going through this. We will continue to pray and hopefully one day soon we will finally be heard! We will be here through the thick and thin of it all whenever you need us. We love you all very much!
    Haworth Family

  2. Dear John and Family,
    Words can't express what I am feeling in my heart!!! Even though I have been out of work with my broken foot, you have never been far from my mind. John, you and your family became more than just a patient in my heart...your positive outlook on life changed me for the better. For that I would like to say thank you!!! My prayers are with you, Theresa, and of course your two beautiful girls. I hope to see you soon!!!
    Hang in there,
    Karen Catalano (crazy Karen with the broken foot)

  3. Dear John and family:
    Our family will pray for you and your family to give everyone strength during this incredibly challenging time.
    Ajay Shah

  4. Dear John and Family,

    Our thoughts and prayers are with you, as they've always been. Especially through these difficult times. Keep up the brave fight my friend. Your actions and positivity inspire us all.

    God Bless,

    'da Silva Family'

  5. Sending love and prayers to my buddy, John.
    Hang in there and God bless,
    Steve Baum

  6. We are thinking of you and keeping you in our prayers.

    the Dupont Family

  7. John and Theresa,
    Please please let me know if there is anything I can do for you guys. Love you!
