Saturday, February 26, 2011

Day +24 - Out of a thick fog

Hello Everyone!

A big, big, thank you to family, friends, and colleagues that continue to send prayers, strength, and support my way!

In the last few days I have gone from 6 infusions to 1!!!  I am now able to take oral pills so much of the pain and issues with fluid retention have made a huge difference in how I feel. 

The good thing is I don't remember all that has gone on in the last 3+ weeks.

Just wanted to let you all know I am doing well, out of the fog of the summit and headed down that trail that will get me to base camp soon!

Special thank you (with no end) to my beautiful wife and Angel Theresa, the extrodanary patience of my litte girls, the help/care of my Mama, my mother in-law Loretta, grandma Joyce, my bro Mike and his wife Mia, and my sister in-law Laura and her husband Joey!  Even though I do not remember all the time you stayed by my side during these past weeks, your love and care is very much appreciated (with no ends).

God bless you all!


Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Day -1... The stem cells have been harvested!


Thank you all for the very nice posts!  I really appreciate all the well wishes!

I received news today that my donor's stem cells were harvested/collected today.  Unfortunately, some of the weather may be effecting when the cells get delivered and right now they are scheduled to arrive tomorrow evening around 6pm.  This means that I will receive my transplant tomorrow evening or early Thursday morning.  I will know for sure tomorrow, so we may be repeating Day -1, on Groundhog Day of course!

I am feeling good and strong.  Tiredness, nausea, and increased mouth and throat pain are prevalent, but on the bright side, my hiccups have subsided!  I get in 2-3 good walks everyday and always helps me feel energized.

I was given my last dose of the RATG today and started on another immunosuppresive drug called Tacrolimus (Prograf) that will be infused 24/7 for the next 2-4 weeks.

I had very nice visits from our good friends Wes and Kristi yesterday and Barry today.  Thank you all for taking time from your day for the visit! 

One story I need to share is that on Monday, the Eucharistic Minister that came to my room to give me Holy Communion, is the aunt of "Rocky" Bleier (Pittsburgh Steeler running back #20,1968-69, 1969-70: served in Vietnam, 1970-1980).  She saw my Steeler hat and said I was routing for the right team...must be fate (Rocky is in his mid 60's, so yes, his aunt was very old, but very sweet)!  Steelers will win their 7th Championship on Feb 6th!

I will let you all know if indeed Groundhog Day has us repeating Day -1 tomorrow!
